Japanese Cuisine

Korean Flank Steak with Wakame Seaweed, Sake-Braised Mushrooms & Pickled Starfruit

Posted by on May 9, 2012 in Beef, Food, Japanese Cuisine, Korean Cuisine | Comments Off

Korean Flank Steak with Wakame Seaweed, Sake-Braised Mushrooms & Pickled Starfruit

  This meal happened beautifully and simply. Late Sunday afternoon. I walked through the grocery store, empty head / full heart, grazing the vegetables, waving to random strangers in line at the meat counter and lingering on some warm pastries. The store was alive with list making and late weekend conversations. I wanted to take everything in. Somehow, mid-wandering, the colors for this meal found my eyes. Somehow, my fingers grabbed the items and my brain agreed with them. The flavors developed later—much later—like at the exact second...

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